e-file your tax return with ATP - America's Tax Professionals    © ATP (2001-2024) America's Tax Professionals     e-file your tax return with ATP - America's Tax Professionals


ATP® offers CCH TaxWise®
Tax Preparation and Electronic Filing Software!

TaxWise® is the industry leader in providing IRS and state accepted tax preparation/electronic
filing software useable at the beginning of the electronic filing season.


This software includes bank products, state tax preparation/electronic filing software
and optional federal/state business tax returns software.

You now have the option to choose an online or desktop version of the software.

Some of the advantages of the online version are:

                1. NEW for Tax year 2024: Forms 1120-S and 1065 can now be done in the online version.
                2. The software is always on the current version. No need to download updates.
                3. All returns are stored online. No restorations issues if computer crashes.
                4. Better security for your client records.
                5. You can create returns under user ADMIN.

ATP® now provides you with the most complete software package available at the lowest prices.
This gives you the best per return electronic filing costs in the nation!

If you were not an ATP® customer for tax year 2023,
request a demo copy of the TaxWise® software by clicking here

Just a few of the features of CCH TaxWise® Tax Preparation
and Electronic Filing Software are as follows:

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Easy to use with excellent links between forms, schedules and worksheets!

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Excellent error checking and guides on how to correct errors!

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Excellent knowledge base for answering questions!

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Multi state processing (with optional EF of one, none or all)!

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Excellent on screen user manual!

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Excellent tutorials and online self-training tools!

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Unlimited customer support!

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Importing of prior year tax return data from other softwares!

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Bank products!

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Optional package with all state softwares, business returns!
(Requires purchase of Individual 1040 Tax Software)

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Choose whether you want to do the return in English or Spanish!

Minimum Computer Requirements
The minimum computer requirements for using this software are as follows:



Tax Year 2024 TaxWise® system requirements

Stand-Alone or Workstation Networked to a Server





Operating System

Windows® 10

Windows® 10

Windows® 10


2.0 GHZ processor

2.8 GHZ processor

Intel® Core™ i5 or better
and equivalent processors

Memory (RAM)

2 GB

4 GB

8 GB

Available Hard Disk Space

2.2 GB

3 GB

3 GB on solid state drive

Computer Monitor (Display)


1024x768 or higher

1920x1080 (1080p or 1080i)

Internet Browser

Microsoft Edge / Google Chrome

Microsoft Edge / Google Chrome

Microsoft Edge / Google Chrome

(Microsoft Windows Compatible)

Inkjet (non- W-2/1099 forms);
Laser (W-2/1099 forms)




TaxWise® is certified to run under Windows 10 or Windows 11 with either Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome.


Please Note: If you are compensated for preparing or assisting in the preparation of all, or substantially all
of a federal tax return or claim for refund, you MUST have a preparer tax identification number (PTIN).
If you prepare more than 10 returns for compensation YOU MUST FILE THEM ELECTRONICALLY
(this means that you will also need an EFIN if you do not already have one).
Check the IRS web site: https://www.irs.gov/taxpros







Individual 1040 Tax Package      Special price of $579.00!
ATP pays the shipping. To receive this special price, I am enclosing payment in full.

All States Software Package *    Special price of $299.00!
ATP pays the shipping. To receive this special price, I am enclosing payment in full.

Business Tax Package *               Special price of $359.00!
ATP pays the shipping. To receive this special price, I am enclosing payment in full.

 * Available only with purchase of
Individual 1040 Tax Package


Individual 1040 Tax Package     Special price of $669.00!
ATP pays the shipping. To receive this special price, I am enclosing a down payment of $69.00
After receiving the software, I will be billed 12 monthly payments of $50.00 each.

All States Software Package *   Special price of $329.00!
ATP pays the shipping. To receive this special price, I am enclosing a down payment of $32.00
After receiving the software, I will be billed 10 monthly payments of $27.00 each.

Business Tax Package *              Special price of $399.00!
ATP pays the shipping. To receive this special price, I am enclosing a down payment of $39.00
After receiving the software, I will be billed 10 monthly payments of $36.00 each.

 * Available only with purchase of
Individual 1040 Tax Package

Individual 1040 Tax Package  Includes  
Federal tax preparation/electronic filing software, all bank products (supplies based on last year’s volume),
state tax preparation/electronic filing software for up to 5 states, network work stations and ATP membership!
The software is usually sent in early/mid-December. Final updates downloaded in early January.

All States Software Package   Includes  
State tax preparation/electronic filing softwares for all states requiring individual tax returns.

Business Tax Package             Includes  
Federal Fiduciary, Partnership, Corporation, Employee Plan, Estate Tax and Exempt Organizations
plus state business tax preparation/electronic filing software for all states.




We use established RT bank product providers who have years of experience with TaxWise®
They have programs where EROs may be able to receive an advance on their preparer fees
and where qualifying tax clients can get an advance for part of their refund.


Debit cards are available for those clients who prefer having their refunds on a debit card usable at stores and bank ATMs.
Offering the debit card saves your client a trip to your office and allows you more time for preparing tax returns.


Fees for returns transmitted to ATP® for retransmission to the bank or the IRS
 All fees will be billed weekly and must be paid within 15 days of billing

All 2024 Federal Tax Returns with RTCs, &RTDDs                         $ 10.00 per return
The bank deducts the transmission fees, preparer fees, and loan origination fees from the loan proceeds.

 All 2024 Federal Tax Returns WITHOUT RTCs & RTDDs.

First 50 returns $ 4.60 per return
Next 50 returns $ 4.10 per return
Next 100 returns $ 3.60 per return
Next 300 returns $ 3.05 per return
After 500 returns $ 2.55 per return

 2024 State Returns (must be transmitted with a Federal return)

First 50 returns $ 3.05 per return
Next 50 returns $ 2.55 per return
Next 100 returns $ 2.05 per return
Next 300 returns $ 1.55 per return
After 500 returns $ 1.05 per return


Order Now - click here!

General Information:
America's Tax Professionals © ATP (2001-2024) is an authorized IRS e-file provider, authorized to transmit returns to the IRS for all 50 states. ATP has partnered with TaxWise and Golden State Tax Training Institute - GSTTI. ATP’s services offered on this web site are limited to the proper electronic filing of tax returns prepared by you as a taxpayer. ATP, in providing this service, is not representing that the information electronically filed was accurately prepared and verified by the taxpayer, or that the information provided by the taxpayer is in compliance with IRS rules and regulations. Since ATP did not prepare the tax return, any communications from the IRS regarding the content or substantiation of information on the return is handled by the IRS directly with the taxpayer. ATP, however, will endeavor to assist the taxpayer in electronically filing the return within the error guidelines established by the IRS. All information provided to ATP is strictly confidential between ATP and the taxpayer. An income tax is a tax levied on the financial income of persons, corporations, or other legal entities. Various income tax systems exist, with varying degrees of tax incidence. Income taxation can be progressive, proportional, or regressive. When the tax is levied on the income of companies, it is often called a corporate tax, corporate income tax, or profit tax. Individual income taxes often tax the total income of the individual (with some deductions permitted), while corporate income taxes often tax net income (the difference between gross receipts, expenses, and additional write-offs).

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